Shell And Tube Heat Exchanger Design Software [VERIFIED] Crack
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Step by step calculation Estimate the Physical properties of more than 1450 components; the database has the ability to estimate Thermal Conductivity, Density, Heat Capacity and Viscosity. The database also included critical properties, boiling and melting points. Estimate mixture properties. (ALL ESTIMATION METHODS CURRENTLY SUPPORT LIQUIDS ONLY) Integrated customised database functions to allow user to add/delete compnents. Ability to import properties to Shell/Tube sides form Microsoft Excel Export Results summary to Microsoft Excel Ability to calculate unknown shell or tube side temperatures by iteration method (solving by trial and error) Also can select from different correlations to calculate shell or tube heat transfer coefficient Calculate the scale resistance (dirt factor) Shell/Tube side Reynolds and Nusselt numbers Buffle spacing Recommended minimun shell thickness, minimum recommended number and diameter of rods. Calculate Shell/Nozzle/Channel/Head/Tubesheet Thickness. Support S.I Units and English (U.S) Units of mesurement. Duty Calculation Overall heat transfer coefficient Shell/Tube velocities. Save/Load results. Generate/Print a summary of resultsShell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design 1.5.3 Requirements:
design - xnview shell extension - ssh secure shell - step - alibre design - architecture design - chat tube - kettle reboiler design - aircraft design - analog design - analysis software - architectural design - art design - autodesk design - automatic design
Xchanger Suite is software for the rating, simulation, and/or design of a wide variety of heat transfer equipment, including shell-and-tube and non-tubular exchangers, air coolers and economizers, and fired heaters. Xchanger Suite modules include:
SmartPM performance monitoring, analysis, and prediction software for shell-and-tube heat exchanger networks supports a greater understanding of oil refinery operational performance. Through monitoring and reconciling plant data, SmartPM provides accurate performance predictions through detailed heat exchanger modeling. It enables engineers to make informed decisions regarding maintenance or energy use, such as determining optimal exchanger cleaning schedules.
Finding the best solution for your heat transfer system requires careful evaluation of capital, installation, operating, and maintenance costs. Exchanger Optimizer simplifies the complicated design process and could potentially save your company millions. Engineers can use this software to quickly obtain relative cost estimates, compare multiple configurations, and select the most cost-effective configuration.
Software Features-----+Step by step design and rating calculations +Support S.I Units and English (U.S) Units of measurement+Rating and Design Modes+Save/Load results.Results:-----+Export Results to Shell & Tube Engineering Data sheet. You can print the data sheet or export it to pdf format or Microsoft Excel for editing+Export Results summary to Microsoft Excel, Print Results summary.Calculations:+Duty, Shell/Tube velocities, Unknown shell or tube side temperatures, also calculate unknown exit temperatures in rating mode+Number of Baffles and Baffle spacing, Scale resistance (dirt factor)+Overall heat transfer coefficient for both Clean and Fouled conditions+Select from different correlations to calculate shell or tube heat transfer coefficient+Shell/Tube side Reynolds & Nusselt numbers+Pressure Drops.+Recommended minimum shell thickness, minimum recommended number & diameter of rods.+Calculate Shell/Nozzle/Channel/Head/Tube sheet Thickness..+Number of transfer units, Effectiveness, Thermal capacity ratio+Pumping power / Inlet and Exit Nozzles pressure losses / Scale resistance Calculators+Ability to import properties to Shell/Tube sides form Microsoft Excel very useful if you want to import your own physical propertiesIncluded Databases:-----+Estimate the Physical properties of pure components for more than 1450 components; the database has the ability to estimate Thermal Conductivity, Density, Heat Capacity and Viscosity. The database also included critical properties, boiling and melting points and come as a standalone interface but easily integrated with the software.+Estimate mixture properties. (ALL ESTIMATION METHODS CURRENTLY SUPPORT LIQUIDS ONLY)+Ability to add your own properties in the additional user databases.+Fixed tube sheet counts and standard tube sizes tables+Fouling factors and Overall heat transfer coefficients included.Requirements:Windows, 64MB RAM, 30MB free disk spaceOperating system:Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 98Limitations:30 days demoRelease notes:Minor UpdateWhats new in version rating mode,extra calculations and improved interface Tweet
A new software solution for the calculation of shell and tube heat exchangers featuring fluids and mixing assistant, sensible heat / condensation calculations, single pass and multi pass units, with or w/o baffles and many more features.
AHED was not born inside a University or Research Institute. AHED was developed by a group of heat transfer specialists with decades of experience in calculation, design and construction of industrial shell and tube heat exchangers. The AHED development team has successfully delivered heat transfer solutions in many industries and applications. Explore what AHED can offer for your industry. Read more...
To ensure the best calculation results, the AHED developpers have conducted a thorough search through scientific literature to make sure the best methods for calculation in heat transfer engineering are included in our software. Many heat exchanger projects have been designed succesfully with AHED, making it an industrially proven software solution.Read more...
At AHED we provide more than just software. We offer a range of services to help you get the best heat exchanger design possible. Program training is available for any users needing to help to get started.
It occurs in all industries and most heat exchanger designs, with impacts ranging from heat transfer degradation to flow resistance and pressure drops. By forming a kind of insulation on heat-transfer surfaces and reducing heat transfer, fouling undermines heat exchange efficiency.
To prevent corrosion fouling from layers of thermal-resistant material, select units fabricated with corrosion-resistant stainless steels and alloys. Plates, tubes, and entire heat exchanger units may be fabricated with AISI 304 or AISI 316L stainless steel.
Shell-and-tube heat exchangers operate at comparatively low internal fluid velocities so are more susceptible to fouling than plate heat exchangers. To maintain efficient operation and higher transfer coefficients, keep the shell and tube heat transfer surfaces clean.
Central States Industrial Equipment (CSI) is a leader in distribution of hygienic pipe, valves, fittings, pumps, heat exchangers, and MRO supplies for hygienic industrial processors, with four distribution facilities across the U.S. CSI also provides detail design and execution for hygienic process systems in the food, dairy, beverage, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and personal care industries. Specializing in process piping, system start-ups, and cleaning systems, CSI leverages technology, intellectual property, and industry expertise to deliver solutions to processing problems. More information can be found at
+ Migrated to Microsoft .net Framework 4.5+ Improve loading of default and custom software settings for design mode+ Software now remembers the last file name saved during run time, and prompt for a new file name if a new case is created, this avoids having to keep typing in the filename and set location if you are re-saving the same project+ More temperature estimation cases covered, the software can now estimate any two unknown temperatures, providing that the temperatures are on different sides, the heat load/duty is known and the flow rates on both sides are known+ Added Tube clearance calculation for both rating and design modes+ Added illustration drawing for tube pitch+ Issue warning when tube pitch is smaller than or equal to the tube outer diameter.+ Bug fixes
+ New user interface+ New help file+ Migrated to Microsoft .net Framework 4.0 Client profile+ Added Tube wall temperature calculation+ Added Eagle and Ferguson (1930) tube side correlation+ Added Petukhov-Kirillov tube side correlation+ Added McAdams shell side correlation + Added Taborek shell side correlation+ Added Reiher shell side correlation+ Added Maximum baffle spacing for unsupported straight tube+ Added Shell and tube velocity checks+ Added Pressure drops checks+ Added support for calculating exit temperatures for shell and tube sides in design mode+ The software will now save your default unit of measurement and will always start with your default unit of measurement+ Added Birmingham Wire Gage Scale+ Added support for entering heat transfer coefficient in design and rating modes+ Added heat transfer coefficient table+ Added material thermal conductivity table+ Added new tube counts tables+ Added the ability to directly store information to user databases from design and rating interface+ Added software global setting screen+ Added Maximum design velocities inside tubes for liquids calculator+ Added the ability to Plot Duty Versus Temperature Chart (Design and Rating modes)+ Added the ability to Plot Number of tube passes versus Tube side pressure drop Chart (Design and Rating modes)+ Added Cleanliness factor calculation+ The software can now select from two methods to calculate the pressure drops in design mode+ New designed summary and software engineering datasheet+ Fixed a bug that affect the calculated mass velocity when volumetric flow is used in design mode 1e1e36bf2d