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Find Your Place with Us



Sunday School at Holy Trinity includes Bible stories, music, and other activities that connect children to the Jesus who loves them and is a constant presence in their lives. Children attend the first 15 minutes of the 9 a.m. service and then go to their classes until 10:15. Please let us know if  you would like to register your child. Registration is always open. 

Confirmation for 7th and 8th graders meets Wednesdays from 5:15-6:15 during the school year. Confirmation Sunday is May 3, 2020. Please see our Christian Education page for more. 


The Wednesday noon class during Lent on "The Psalms of Lament" will continue virtually, with class materials posted here each Wednesday by 3 p.m. starting March 18.


The Women's Bible Study at 6:30 p.m. every other Monday at the parsonage. The group began again on January 6.  They are reading It's Not Supposed to Be This Way by Lysa TerKeurst. The author asks what happens when life looks very different from the reality we long for, and offers a Biblical perspective to encourage readers who are facing their own challenges to stand through uncertainty and trust in God's goodness.


Please call the office at 608-655-4246 or write to Kim Erb at  if you would like to participate and have a book ordered for you at $13 each. Or just drop in and join the conversation!

WELCA (Women of the ELCA) and QUILTERS

Holy Trinity maintains an active chapter of WELCA and welcomes women of all ages to its monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. The group is dedicated to supporting each other with friendship; growing in faith and commitment to furthering God’s kingdom; volunteering time and energy in service to Holy Trinity and its members; and providing funds for the needs of the church and others beyond the church.

Quilt tying is on the first Tuesday of each month from 1-3 p.m., and quilting on the first Saturday from 10-3.

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 Ministry teams bring new life to our worship, fellowship, and service together. Our Liturgical Arts team has been adorning our large barn wood sanctuary cross with seasonal decorations; Publicity maintains regular contacts and finds new ways to let people know what is going on here; the Hospitality Team finds new ways to welcome visitors and make worshipers feel at home; our Special Events Team comes up with fun activities for the whole family; and more. There is sure to be a ministry team that's perfect for you!



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